Wednesday, March 28, 2012

a little thing called prom.

so i have this neighbor boy; his name is isaac.  i moved here to SD in forth grade, transferred to the school dakota valley.  our instant friends became the faldmo family consisting of dave, robin, maggie, abby, sam, ashley, and isaac. 
we all match fairly close in age.  ash is 3 years older than i.  isaac is 6 months older than spencer.  abby is almost squarely inbetween kate and i, being 2.5 years younger than me, and 2.3ish older than kate.  ellie is 8 months older than maggie, and sam is a 1.5 years older than claire. 
so as you can see, we are pretty much destined to be best friend "families". 
on to my story.  here is my theroy.  i do not believe that the boy is responsible for all the asking/ paying/ putting their confidence out on the line.  in fact, i don't think it matters, it all comes out in the wash, right?
so this year is my first prom.   i am on the prom committee, therefore, i am in charge of making the dance fun and rememberable.  so i thought to myself,  "i should be able to choose my date because i have worked hard for everyone to have fun, and if i have a awkward, uncomfortable, lame date, it would just ruin my whole night. 
my mission began for the perfect prom date.  once i took out all the couples there wasn't much left to choose from that i would consider worthy of my rendezous.  i considered asking someone from another school, but crossed that off.  my choices were getting slimmer.  here was my decision:

My amazing friends Shelby and Karissa helped me with my crazy idea. 

                                                                  they got a little tired..

but we got the job done, eventually.

                                              and then successfully accomplished the mission.

and a little video how it went..

Thursday, March 22, 2012

this is madness.

So I am in the school newspaper, and my friend, Caitlyn Miller wrote an article on ghosts in my high school.  Somehow, someway, publishers in LA, (yes, los angeles.) called our school's principal and asked if they can come to our school and talk to Caitlyn and make an episode on it.  I am having a minor freak out here. They also want to shoot around the old section of the Tyson Events Center and Joy Hollow, areas mentioned in the article.  I just can't believe so much attention is coming to my little school in good ol' SD.
Here is the link to the story:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


My life has been so hectic these last few days! I promise I will make it up to you all this weekend... maybe.

Monday, March 12, 2012

this happened.

more details later, i have an anatomy test that is going to annihilate my soul if i don't study. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012


the boys basketball team is going to state; i am super pumped.  i can't wait. i am so excited, i made a movie about it.
**spoiler alert: this will be played at the peprally on wednesday morning**

get ready to be pumped up to the max.

it is okay to be speechless. :)

(im saddend by the poor quality from blogger)

Monday, March 5, 2012

love my family

Having family night
Mom asks the question:
What do you do when some of your friends say four letter colored words?
Claire: what!?? And breaks out into song:
B-L-U-E that spells blue.
if only, if only.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

drooling here.

These lovely faces are going to be my midnight entertainment on the 23rd. aka 17 days. 23 hours. and 40 minutes away. I seriously just want to jump up and down until the day comes.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

in a nutshell.

meet sami moos aka my first friend in sioux city.

she is kinda silly.

but i love her.

we miss this chicka, caroline, dearly.  (she went to college, and left us.)  

yesterday Sami Moos and i began our little excursion.  she came to my house and hung out for a bit.  we set out for Graham's for the DV history club and learned about Anstasia. met up with Spencer, and headed to town for a couple RedBoxes.

we got: and .

to tell you the truth, i wasn't impressed with either.  the apes was okay in the beginning, but the end was lame.  green lantern was just weird.  i give the producers props for attempting, after all, it was a comic before, but i felt like it could of been made by producers in the 80's because of the poor graphics and cartoonish characters.  

Then, the next day, she left at 6:30, YES 6:30 to go play basketball at the church. i stayed behind. (i know, lame.)
i brought some kids to the church to play some volleyball.  we practiced for a solid hour and a half.  i was feeling pretty good about myself.

then i headed to morningside to snap some pictures of a cute family. 

after that, sam and i went to the boys bball game versus elk point jefferson, we won. we're pretty much dominant.
next game is on tuesday.  ill let you know more latta. <3

Thursday, March 1, 2012

double win!

in case you don't know who these people are:

Monica and Nick.  

this is Laura. 

oh, and this is me.

YAYAYAYA. so excited. go stuco.

in a giving mood.

So today I first heard about this "KONY 2012" thing.  It is the most sad thing I have heard for a while.  I can't believe that with this world's technology and knowledge that situations like this still exist today. 

Watch.   Be Informed.  Inform others.   Be aware. 

Then, when I was finished watching the video, I happened to check my doorstep, and what was there?  A package from TOMS. I feel like a good person today. 

this is happening

i am on a excersize bike at the YMCA and i am blogging at the same time,  how cool can this world get!? multi tasking to the max. and i am pretty sure the lady next to me is creepin. so i am going to go now.