we all match fairly close in age. ash is 3 years older than i. isaac is 6 months older than spencer. abby is almost squarely inbetween kate and i, being 2.5 years younger than me, and 2.3ish older than kate. ellie is 8 months older than maggie, and sam is a 1.5 years older than claire.
so as you can see, we are pretty much destined to be best friend "families".
on to my story. here is my theroy. i do not believe that the boy is responsible for all the asking/ paying/ putting their confidence out on the line. in fact, i don't think it matters, it all comes out in the wash, right?
so this year is my first prom. i am on the prom committee, therefore, i am in charge of making the dance fun and rememberable. so i thought to myself, "i should be able to choose my date because i have worked hard for everyone to have fun, and if i have a awkward, uncomfortable, lame date, it would just ruin my whole night.
my mission began for the perfect prom date. once i took out all the couples there wasn't much left to choose from that i would consider worthy of my rendezous. i considered asking someone from another school, but crossed that off. my choices were getting slimmer. here was my decision:
My amazing friends Shelby and Karissa helped me with my crazy idea.
they got a little tired..
but we got the job done, eventually.
and then successfully accomplished the mission.
and a little video how it went..
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