last article for Panther Pride this year!!
“I listen to music when I get up in the morning, in my car, when I do homework, sitting in the backseat listening off of my iPhone, and before I go to bed,” said junior, Shelby Olson.
Music seems to be a necessity these days, almost to the point where we can’t live without it. However, is the music that we listen to really what we want filling our thoughts?
“So what we get drunk. So what we ‘don’t sleep’. We’re just having fun. We don’t care who sees.”
Please turn your attention to the lyrics of music these days. What are we listening to, really? Sure, the song has a good beat, but what message is it trying to get across? Most songs played on the radio have the same message; people who love being drunk, sex, money, skipping school, violence, swearing, getting high, and revenge.
“It can be awkward to listen to if you are in the car with your parents and you want to sing along,” said an anonymous student.
If it is awkward to sing along when your parents are in the car, should you be listening to the song in the first place? A few nights ago I flipped on the radio and got out a notepad and pen. In 45 minutes I counted 62 times that the music referenced something either profane, sensual, or down-grading.
The things in music today that bother me most are that are so many derogatory terms that are directed at women. There are so many names that a female can be called; it is absurd! The artist sounds controlling and rude. I also find it offensive that what most popular artists sing these days is about sex and drugs. They encourage being lazy, irresponsible, and self centered. They have the same message, same sound, and the same songs are played over and over until they are way too over played and people get annoyed.
“I don't listen to the radio because it’s the same songs over and over and it gets old and annoying,” said Olson.
This brings up another point, songs that are played on the radio are catchy at first, but after the thirtieth time in a day, enough is enough. What was a good song turns into an annoyance.
“The radio ruins my favorite songs, I love it at first, but I can’t stand it by the end of the month,” said freshman, Abby Faldmo.
Music is influencing, either for the good, or for the bad. Even though you don’t think it is affecting your thoughts, it is. Lyrics to songs will stick with you years down the road. You might catch yourself jamming out, singing along, when you realize what you are singing and be horrified. Save yourself the shock, and change the channel now so it will be a no-brainer in the future.