Monday, April 23, 2012

state bball

i know this is a tad late, but it is a significant part of my junior year.  this year's basketball team from dakota valley went to the state A tournament.  the last time we went to state for basketball was over ten years ago, and so as you can predict, it was more than welcomed.  pretty much the entire student body traveled to sioux falls from thursday, april 15 to saturday, april 17.  every night at 8pm the DV kids and parents gathered in the sioux falls event center and literally cheered the team on every second of the games.
here is my problem that occured during the duration of the weekend:
thursday morning- my yearbook advisor informs me that i need a pass to film court side for the games, but she says it shouldn't be a problem: she already sent the paperwork in.
thursday night- i arrive at the game, go to the press pass area, they look for my papers.. none.  they feel bad for me; i have all this camera equipment.  the "president" of the basketball tournament comes and talks to me, doesn't let me reason at all, and i can't sit court side.  my heart sinks, but i still try to get as much film as i can without being close.
friday morning- i go and get all the paperwork to sit court side, have m principal and athletic director sign it, and i am feeling pretty good about everything.
friday afternoon-  i drive up to sioux falls with monica and faye, we drip off our stuff at a hotel, and go to the game.  go to the press pass area again, the workers seem okay with everything, but they go to check with the manager to make sure.  i am watching the game before DV's end, and i hear the voice of the "president" behind me.  without even letting me show what i did to get the press pass he says NO.  you are too late, no, no.  and walks away.  cool. another heart break.  i sit as close to the court without breaking any rules.
friday night- crazy madness!  spent the night at the ramkota with pretty much the entire DV population.
saturday morn/afternoon- my day was spent at the mall, trying to do homework (fail), and trying to find prom shoes (failll).  however, when i was in the food court of the mall, the boys basketball team showed up and coach kleis (head coach) approached me. he asked if i wanted to sit on the bench with the team and get footage of the game.  YESS!!!!!!!!!!!!  i pretty much wanted to jump and down and hug the guts out of that man.  
saturday night-  i sat on the other side of the court the first half, so that i could be at our basket.  i was trying to get different angles, so i sat up in the stands of the opposing team, and did my best to try not to cheer on my team.  about five minutes later a security worker ran at me and this was our conversation:
him:what are you doing here?
me: ummm taking pictures/video
him: no, you can't take pictures in the stands.
i look around at all the fans taking pictures... confused, right?
me: where would you suggest me taking pictures, then?
him: you have to be on the court
me: but i can't, i dont have a pass.
him: well you can't do that here, you are going to have to leave and go somewhere else.
mumbling to myself:  ok?? i guess i will just go take pictures in the parking lot, because they will be better than what you are allowing me to do at the moment.
that weekend was probably the most i have ever been yelled at in my entire life.
following this convo, i went and walked right passed and onto the court and took my rightful, deserved seat on the bench.

ok. ok. back to basketball.  we won the first two games, the first one not too easily, the second was a piece of cake.  championship night, we play st. thomas moore.  (ew.)  we just could't get our act together, it was soo sad.  they played their hardest, but could not pull through.  we too second in state, and hope to come back next year to win it all.

i used the videos i got to make a highlight tape for all the boys; we played it at the basketball banquet.  i will try to post it, but lately, blogger doesn't favor me.  i am actually surprised it let me type all this.  :) anyways, that is my basketball life.

ps.  i got asked to film ALL NEXT YEARR!!! wooooo.

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