Monday, January 30, 2012

i cried today.

     Last night my parents came home from Florida after a week of meetings at a hotel resort.  Talk about rough life, huh?  Jk, my parents work super hard, and deserve to have vacations.  However, lately, all I have been doing is: Wake up. Go to seminary.  Go to school.  Go home.  Do homework.  Go to bed. Wake up. Go to seminary.  Go to school.  Go home.  Do homework.  Go to bed. Wake up. Go to seminary.  Go to school.  Go home.  Do homework.  Go to bed. Wake up. Go to seminary.  Go to school.  Go home.  Do homework.  Go to bed. Wake up. Go to seminary.  Go to school.  Go home.  Do homework.  Go to bed. Wake up. Go to seminary.  Go to school.  Go home.  Do homework.  Go to bed. I think you get the point.  I hate having schedules.  I hate being forced to do assignments that are going to prove nothing in my life.  Like finding elipses.  WHO CARES! Except for maybe pilots, no one is going to need to know that to live in today's society.  That is what calculators are for. 
     Back to last night, so my mom wanted to be with me, but of course I couldn't because I had homework.  So she said she could help me.  We sat down to figure out how to file a 1040A for my personal finance chapter review.  Half the things were not in the book, so we had to look them up online.  It took who knows how long to do the stupid thing.  I feel like having the class is good preparation for what is to come in my near future, but when you have a class, you are supposed to be taught a concept, and my teacher does not teach.  He gives us long lectures on this and that, and sometimes throws in a few words that would help us with assignments. 
     So today was test day.  (My school is fortunate enough to have computers for each student, but sometimes they are just a pain.  Today was one of those days.) I already started the day out with a loaner computer because mine was in the shop (hard-drive crashed last week.) I go into the classroom, and the internet will not work, so I could not sync (sync is the system the teachers use to view all of the students' computers at the same time so they are "on task")  So I go to tech help.  They fix it.  I go back to class.  Its not working.  Go back to tech help.  Fix it.  Go back to class.  Can't open the test. I go to tech help.  They fix it.  I go back to class.  Its not working.  This continued for no exaggeration, 45 MINUTES.
     Everytime I had to go to tech help I would dread walking up to the teacher and ask to leave, because I knew that I would be degraded in some form.  He would make some sarcastic remark that was not necessary and really just hurt my feelings. I wish I could say some of the things he says, but I don't think that would be appropriate for this post; it will ruin your day.
    I finally got through the class and hurried to my next one.  My next teacher noticed I was upset.  She asked how I was, and I broke down.  I cried to the point that I couldn't talk.  She encouraged me to go to my principal.After I cooled down, I made the long walk to the office.  I talked and talked, and now I feel so much better, but Wednesday, it will start over, again.

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